This event, titled 2nd Friday ArtAbout, is a wonderful celebration of new art exhibits, which are held at various locations throughout downtown Davis the evening of the 2nd Friday of every month. This free, monthly artwalk is a perfect activity to enjoy with friends & family!
Our partners, Logos Books and The Artery, hold their receptions that night as well, and all venues are listed on a printed guide available the week of ArtAbout at most venues. At times, other activities may take place, such as open studios, music, food and wine, etc. Businesses in the downtown core may also host an artist and participate in this event. For more info, call Natalie at (530)758-3370, or email [email protected].
The 2nd Friday ArtAbout is currently sponsored by the Davis Downtown Business Association. We’d love to have more sponsors!
Want to participate in Davis’ monthly ArtAbout? Sign up below:

We’ll share your info with venues looking for artists. Click here for tips for interested artists!

We’d love to have more participating downtown venues. Click here for tips for interested venues!
Consider making a tax deductible donation, which will go directly towards helping fund the costs of coordinating this free community event. Any amount makes a difference!
Donations of $100/month or higher will be recognized as a sponsor. ArtAbout sponsors will receive the benefits of having your name or business logo on the ArtAbout guide and Pence website, as well as in the Pence Events newsletter & on the donor panel in the Pence lobby (if desired).
Thank you for your support!


826 2nd Street, Davis | (530) 756-8763
Follow 2nd Friday ArtAbout on social media!